Getting Started with SCORE

Understand the Data Format

Download our sample observation CSV file to familiarize yourself with required and optional fields. Ensure you follow the correct column ordering as specified.

Prepare Your Data

Organize your satellite brightness and position measurements in a CSV file format, using SCORE-specific columns. Leave optional fields blank if no data is available.

Upload Observations

Submit your CSV file on the SCORE homepage. The system will process and store your data, notifying you of any errors while saving correctly formatted observations.

Review Your Data

After uploading, view your observations in the database. If you need to request changes, use our data change request form.

Cite SCORE in Your Research

When using SCORE data in your publications, please include the required acknowledgement paragraph:

"This research made use of data and/or services provided by the International Astronomical Union's Centre for the Protection of the Dark and Quiet Sky from Satellite Constellation Interference (IAU CPS)."
For a sample Python script to create a CSV from a Pandas DataFrame, and additional tools, visit our Tools page.